1 | Monthly Rubber Census - Monthly Census of Rubber Estates |
The Department of Statistics, Malaysia (DOSM) conducted the rubber census monthly. These census comprise of the Monthly Census of Rubber Estates (RE), Monthly Census of Rubber Processors (RP) and Monthly Census of Rubber Consumers (RC). Questionnaires are mailed and emailed to respondents at the beginning of the year and the time given to return the completed questionnaire for each reference month is before the 15th of the following month. Fieldwork for non-response cases will be carried out by field enumerators at the state offices. The main objective of the census is to collect the information on natural rubber pertaining to production, consumption, stocks, area planted, area tapped and number of workers. The data will be used as inputs in the government’s planning to develop the rubber industry. The information collected is published in the monthly publication namely the “Monthly Rubber Statistics, Malaysia” which is available at the Users' Service Unit and website of DOSM.
| Monthly | | |
2 | Monthly Rubber Census - Monthly Census of Rubber Processors |
The Department of Statistics, Malaysia (DOSM) conducted the rubber census monthly. These census comprise of the Monthly Census of Rubber Estates (RE), Monthly Census of Rubber Processors (RP) and Monthly Census of Rubber Consumers (RC). Questionnaires are mailed and emailed to respondents at the beginning of the year and the time given to return the completed questionnaire for each reference month is before the 15th of the following month. Fieldwork for non-response cases will be carried out by field enumerators at the state offices. The main objective of the census is to collect the information on natural rubber pertaining to production, consumption, stocks, area planted, area tapped and number of workers. The data will be used as inputs in the government’s planning to develop the rubber industry. The information collected is published in the monthly publication namely the “Monthly Rubber Statistics, Malaysia” which is available at the Users' Service Unit and website of DOSM.
| Monthly | | |
3 | Monthly Rubber Census - Monthly Census of Rubber Consumers |
The Department of Statistics, Malaysia (DOSM) conducted the rubber census monthly. These census comprise of the Monthly Census of Rubber Estates (RE), Monthly Census of Rubber Processors (RP) and Monthly Census of Rubber Consumers (RC). Questionnaires are mailed and emailed to respondents at the beginning of the year and the time given to return the completed questionnaire for each reference month is before the 15th of the following month. Fieldwork for non-response cases will be carried out by field enumerators at the state offices. The main objective of the census is to collect the information on natural rubber pertaining to production, consumption, stocks, area planted, area tapped and number of workers. The data will be used as inputs in the government’s planning to develop the rubber industry. The information collected is published in the monthly publication namely the “Monthly Rubber Statistics, Malaysia” which is available at the Users' Service Unit and website of DOSM.
| Monthly | | |
4 | Agriculture & Environment Survey (Agriculture) |
This survey is conducted quarterly for the purpose of providing information for preparation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The coverage of this survey is at 5-digit industry level with selected industries. The types of sub-sectors covered in this survey are the crops sub-sectors (EXCEPT oil palm, rubber, pineapple, paddy, cocoa and black pepper), livestock sub-sectors (EXCEPT chicken, beef/buffalo, goat, pig & milk), forestry & logging sub-sector and the fisheries sub-sector. The information collected through a customized questionnaire for all four subsectors. The information collected is total expenditure, number of employees, salaries & wages, production and sales.
| Quarterly | | |
5 | Agriculture & Environment Survey (Environment) |
The Department of Statistics Malaysia conducts the Quarterly Survey (Environmental). This survey was conducted by using mail approach and respondents comprise of establishments in sub-sectors of Sewerage, Waste Management & Remediation Activities sector. This survey is conducted quarterly as an input to GDP.
| Quarterly | | |
6 | Annual Economic Survey 2022 - Agriculture |
The Agriculture Census 2005 was conducted as a complete enumeration which covers all household who had reported agriculture as the main occupation either as employer or own account worker. Agriculture activities include crops, livestock, fisheries and agricultural services. The census was carried out via face to face interview using a questionnaire. This census will be conducted once in 10 years. The results of this census can be obtained via the publication namely, Agriculture Census 2005-Crops. However, data on livestock, fisheries and agriculture services which were published via these publications namely Agriculture Census 2005-Livestock, Agriculture Census 2005-Fisheries and Agriculture Census 2005-Agriculture Services are for internal use only and not published for the public.
| Annually | | |
7 | Annual Economic Survey 2022 - Water Supply, Sewerage, Waste Management & Remediation Activities |
The Agriculture Census 2005 was conducted as a complete enumeration which covers all household who had reported agriculture as the main occupation either as employer or own account worker. Agriculture activities include crops, livestock, fisheries and agricultural services. The census was carried out via face to face interview using a questionnaire. This census will be conducted once in 10 years. The results of this census can be obtained via the publication namely, Agriculture Census 2005-Crops. However, data on livestock, fisheries and agriculture services which were published via these publications namely Agriculture Census 2005-Livestock, Agriculture Census 2005-Fisheries and Agriculture Census 2005-Agriculture Services are for internal use only and not published for the public.
| Annually | | |
8 | Environmental Protection Expenditure Survey |
The Department of Statistics, Malaysia (DOSM) conducted the Environmental Protection Expenditure Survey, 2019 for reference year 2018 from May to November 2019. The survey covers 18 sectors, namely agriculture, forestry & fishing; mining & quarrying; manufacturing; electricity, gas, steam & air conditioning supply; water supply, sewerage, waste management & remediation activities; construction; wholesale & retail trade, repair of motor vehicles & motorcycles; transportation & storage; accommodation; food & beverage service activities; information & communication; real estate activities; professional, scientific & technical activities; administrative & support service activities; education; human health & social work activities; arts, entertainment & recreation and other service activities sector (based on the Malaysia Standard Industrial Classification, 2008 Ver. 1.0). Questionnaires of this survey will be mailed to the respondent and is given one month to complete and return the questionnaires to DOSM. Fieldwork for non-response case will be carried out by the State DOSM officers. The main objective of this survey is to collect information on the number of establishments, capital and operating expenditure, waste management and sewerage services, environmental assessment & audits and environmental charges for establishments with environmental protection expenditure. The information collected will be published in the "Report on the Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditure 2015". This data is an input for the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) as well, which is currently being developed. This report is obtainable from the Users' Service Unit and the official portal Department of Statistics Malaysia.
| Annually | | |
9 | Economic Census 2016 (Agriculture) - Crops |
The Department of Statistics, Malaysia (DOSM) is conducting the Economic Census 2016 for agriculture sector with 2015 as the reference year. Agriculture sector comprise crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry & logging subsector. This is a mail enquiry census. Respondents are given one month to complete and return the questionnaires to the Department. The main objective of the census is to collect information pertaining to growth, contribution, composition and distribution of the agriculture sector to assist the government in development planning and formulating policies. The data are also used for the compilation of national accounts, input-output tables and specific studies. In addition, the results are used by policy makers, economists, planners and academicians in economic projections and analyses.
| Once in 5 years | | |
10 | Economic Census 2016 (Agriculture) - Livestock |
The Department of Statistics, Malaysia (DOSM) is conducting the Economic Census 2016 for agriculture sector with 2015 as the reference year. Agriculture sector comprise crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry & logging subsector. This is a mail enquiry census. Respondents are given one month to complete and return the questionnaires to the Department. The main objective of the census is to collect information pertaining to growth, contribution, composition and distribution of the agriculture sector to assist the government in development planning and formulating policies. The data are also used for the compilation of national accounts, input-output tables and specific studies. In addition, the results are used by policy makers, economists, planners and academicians in economic projections and analyses.
| Once in 5 years | | |
11 | Economic Census 2016 (Agriculture) - Fisheries |
The Department of Statistics, Malaysia (DOSM) is conducting the Economic Census 2016 for agriculture sector with 2015 as the reference year. Agriculture sector comprise crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry & logging subsector. This is a mail enquiry census. Respondents are given one month to complete and return the questionnaires to the Department. The main objective of the census is to collect information pertaining to growth, contribution, composition and distribution of the agriculture sector to assist the government in development planning and formulating policies. The data are also used for the compilation of national accounts, input-output tables and specific studies. In addition, the results are used by policy makers, economists, planners and academicians in economic projections and analyses.
| Once in 5 years | | |
12 | Economic Census 2016 (Agriculture) - Forestry and Logging |
The Department of Statistics, Malaysia (DOSM) is conducting the Economic Census 2016 for agriculture sector with 2015 as the reference year. Agriculture sector comprise crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry & logging subsector. This is a mail enquiry census. Respondents are given one month to complete and return the questionnaires to the Department. The main objective of the census is to collect information pertaining to growth, contribution, composition and distribution of the agriculture sector to assist the government in development planning and formulating policies. The data are also used for the compilation of national accounts, input-output tables and specific studies. In addition, the results are used by policy makers, economists, planners and academicians in economic projections and analyses.
| Once in 5 years | | |
13 | Economic Census 2016 (Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management & Remediation Activities) |
The Department of Statistics, Malaysia (DOSM) is conducting the Economic Census 2016 for Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management & Remediation Activities sector with 2015 as the reference year. This census is conducted by using mail approach in which the respondents are given one month to complete and return the questionnaires to the Department. The main objective of the census is to collect information pertaining to growth, contribution, composition and distribution of the Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management & Remediation Activities sector to assist the government in development planning and formulating policies. The data are also used for the compilation of national accounts, input-output tables and specific studies. In addition, the results are used by policy makers, economists, planners and academicians in economic projections and analyses.
| Once in 5 years | | |
14 | Agriculture Census 2005 |
The Agriculture Census 2005 was conducted as a complete enumeration which covers all household who had reported agriculture as the main occupation either as employer or own account worker. Agriculture activities include crops, livestock, fisheries and agricultural services. The census was carried out via face to face interview using a questionnaire. This census will be conducted once in 10 years. The results of this census can be obtained via the publication namely, Agriculture Census 2005-Crops. However, data on livestock, fisheries and agriculture services which were published via these publications namely Agriculture Census 2005-Livestock, Agriculture Census 2005-Fisheries and Agriculture Census 2005-Agriculture Services are for internal use only and not published for the public.
| Once in 10 years | | |