MyStats Conference 2024

©Copyright Department Of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) All Rights Reserved
Malaysia Statistics Conference (MyStats) is an annual event which jointly organised by Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM), Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) and Malaysia Institute of Statistics (ISM). This programme was started in 2012 and since then, it was successfully conducted every year except in 2014 and 2019. This conference is to discuss new analysis and findings as well as exchange views and ideas between statisticians, researchers, statistics expert and data users on challenges in the compilation, use and dissemination of official statistics.
MyStats 2024 is the 11th edition conference which will be held on 19 September 2024 with the theme Data and Artificial Intelligence: Empowering the Future.
MyStats is organised based on the following objectives:
The Department of Statistics, Malaysia was established in 1949 under the Statistics Ordinance 1949 and was then known as Bureau of Statistics. The statistics produced then was limited to external trade and estate agriculture.
In 1965, the name of Bureau of Statistics was changed to the Department of Statistics, Malaysia and was operating under the provisions of Statistics Act 1965. Since then, the Department's functions and role had expanded whereby the data/information collected included the economy and social areas.
The Department of Statistics, Malaysia is a premier government agency under the Prime Minister's Department entrusted with the responsibility to collect, interpret and disseminate latest statistics in monitoring the national economic performance and social development.
The Department's headquarters is located in the Federal Government Administrative Centre, Putrajaya and has state offices in every state. Operational offices were set up in several states to further strengthen the data collection activities.
For more information, please visit the official portal of Department of Statistics, Malaysia,
Bank Negara Malaysia, the central bank of Malaysia, is a statutory body which came into operation on 26 January 1959. Today, it is governed by the Central Bank of Malaysia Act 2009. The principal roles of the Bank are to promote monetary and financial stability conducive to the sustainable growth of the Malaysian economy.
The primary objective of the Bank's monetary policy is to maintain price stability while giving due regard to the developments in the economy. In ensuring financial stability, the Bank regulates and supervises financial institutions under its purview, as well as deepening and strengthening the financial markets, including the foreign exchange market.
As part of its developmental role, the Bank has proactively taken efforts to develop the financial system infrastructure and the active promotion of financial inclusion. The Bank also ensures the effective and efficient delivery of its services to its various stakeholders, including the public.
Other important roles of the Bank are being a banker and adviser to the Government, playing an active role in advising on macroeconomic policies and managing the public debt. It is also the sole authority in issuing currency as well as managing the country's international reserves.
For more information, please visit the official website of Bank Negara Malaysia,
The Malaysia Institute of Statistics, also known as ISM, is registered under the Societies Act 1966 as a non-profit making body in 17 August 1984. The idea of establishing such a society was initiated on 20 May 1981 with the setting up of a Pro-team Committee for ISM.
With a vision to be a leading organisation in promoting the proper practice, propagation, and dissemination of statistical knowledge for the benefit of society, ISM has been active in organising conferences, seminars and workshops in collaboration with universities. It has also been actively publishing conference proceedings and electronic journals. ISM has about 700 individual members, comprising mainly academicians and university students.
For more information, please visit the official website of Malaysia Institute of Statistics,
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