Data Request
Need more data? What you need is not available in the publication?
Unpublished data can be obtained from Department of Statistics, Malaysia
(subject to availability and confidentiality).
Methods of Data Request / Enquiry
Data request or any statistical enquiry can be directed to the Department :
Order form
Please login eStatistik
to continue and submit the data request.
Register an account here.
Written enquiry can be mailed to the following address:
Integration & Data Management Division,
Department of Statistics Malaysia,
Level 7, Block C6, Complex C,
Federal Government Administrative Centre,
62514 Putrajaya, Malaysia.

You may also wish to visit The Department of Statistics, Malaysia at the head office in Putrajaya or any of the state offices: Contact Us
Charges and Payments
1. Requests for data will be charged at cost recovery basis, depending on the amount of resources used to process and compile the data.
2. Payment can be made by cash at customer service counter or by bank draft/money order/postal order made payable to AKAUNTAN NEGARA MALAYSIA-ME-T.
3. Payment online can be made by credit card or FPX (Direct Debit) via
(Please note that payment by EFT is not accepted).