Regional Tourism Satellite Account Sarawak

Regional Tourism Satellite Account Sarawak 2018

Latest Release : 10 December 2019
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Tourism Industry generated RM11.0 billion value added (GVATI) to Sarawak Region economy

The Gross Value Added Tourism Industry (GVATI) has generated a revenue of RM11.0 billion for Sarawak Region in 2018. The share of GVATI recorded 7.5 per cent to Sarawak Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2018.

GVATI - Value and share to GDP


Retail trade and accommodation and food & beverage were the largest contributors to the tourism industry (GVATI) in Sarawak Region with a share of 31.5 per cent (RM3.5 billion) and 31.3 per cent (RM3.4 billion) respectively. This followed by passenger transport, travel agencies & other reservation services and retail sale of automotive fuel with a contribution of 20.4 per cent (RM2.2 billion) and cultural, sports & recreational and country-specific tourism characteristic services 16.7 per cent (RM1.8 billion).  

GVATI - Percentage share



Inbound Tourism Expenditure

Visitors from rest of the world was the major contributor to inbound tourism expenditure recorded RM4.0 billion (64.1%). On the other hand, visitors from Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah constituted RM2.0 billion (33.0%) and RM0.2 billion (2.9%) respectively during the same period.

Inbound visitors to Sarawak mostly spent on passenger transport and travel agencies & other reservation services with a contribution of RM2.9 billion (47.6%), followed by accommodation and food & beverage serving services (share: 28.7%) and shopping activity (share: 13.5%). Meanwhile, cultural, sports & recreational and country-specific tourism characteristic services contributed 10.3%.

Inbound tourism expenditure - Value and percentage share


Domestic Tourism Expenditure

Domestic tourism expenditure registered RM5.4 billion in 2018. This overall expenditure was dominated by shopping 48.3 per cent to domestic tourism expenditure in Sarawak Region. In general, domestic tourism expenditure contributed 46.8 per cent  to the total internal tourism consumption, while the remaining (53.2%) were from inbound tourism expenditure.

Domestic tourism expenditure - Value and percentage share



Employment in Tourism Industry

In 2018, employment in the tourism industry was 0.24 million persons that contributed 19.1 per cent to the total employment in Sarawak Region (1.3 million persons). Retail trade and accommodation and food & beverage serving services recorded the highest number of employment in the tourism industry with a share of 40.1 per cent and 38.1 per cent respectively.

Employment in the tourism industry - Number of persons and percentage share



Released By:

 DrUzir_Mahidin  dr_uzir

10 December 2019


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Rohaida binti Mohamad 
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Strategic Communication and International Division
Department of Statistics, Malaysia
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Email : rohaida.mohamad[at]


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