The Department of Statistics, Malaysia (DOSM) conducted the Environmental Protection Expenditure Survey, 2015 for reference year 2014 from May to November 2014. The survey covers 18 sectors, namely agriculture, forestry & fishing; mining & quarrying; manufacturing; electricity, gas, steam & air conditioning supply; water supply, sewerage, waste management & remediation activities; construction; wholesale & retail trade, repair of motor vehicles & motorcycles; transportation & storage; accommodation; food & beverage service activities; information & communication; real estate activities; professional, scientific & technical activities; administrative & support service activities; education; human health & social work activities; arts, entertainment & recreation and other service activities sector (based on the Malaysia Standard Industrial Classification, 2008 Ver. 1.0). Questionnaires of this survey will be mailed to the respondent and is given one month to complete and return the questionnaires to DOSM. Fieldwork for non response case will be carried out by the State DOSM officers. The main objective of this survey is to collect information on the number of establishments, capital and operating expenditure, waste management and sewerage services, environmental assessment & audits and environmental charges for establishments with environmental protection expenditure. The information collected will be published in the "Report on the Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditure 2015". This data is an input for the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) as well, which is currently being developed. This report is obtainable from the Users' Service Unit and the website of the Department of Statistics.