The Strengthening of The National Statistical System (SNSS)
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Expected Outcome
- To strengthen the National Statistical System.
- To improve the coordination, management and use of administrative data in the NSS ecosystem.
- To guarantee the availability of more comprehensive statistics.
- To meet data requirements at a granular level.
- To create a Central Repository of Statistics for national data.
- The production of more effective statistics and the improvement of the quality of the statistics produced.
- To enhance analytical expertise among the civil service.
- To improve data-culture practices and the value creation of data.
- To empower competent human capital and modern, relevant statistical services.
- To expand statistical understanding by educating people with statistical facts.
a. SNSS will focus on strengthening governance and other critical elements of the National Statistical System through the following agenda:
i. National Statistics and Data Council;
ii. Amendment of the Statistics Act 1965 (Revised 1989);
iii. To implement a function of DOSM as the Central Agency for statistical services;
iv. Appointment of the Chief Data Officer (CDO) at the Ministry/Department/Agency in stages;
v. The establishment of the National Data Analytical Centre (NBDAC); and
vi. Empowering the capacity of national statistical services.
b. The strengthening of the governance of the country's statistical system is carried out through the mechanism of the Supreme Meeting of the National Statistics and Data Council (NSDC) and the Executive Committee of NSDC. While at the state level, the mechanism of the State and District Statistics and Data Council will be implemented with extensive State Authority participation.
Involvement of Government Agencies at All Levels
The SNSS initiative will be implemented by leveraging strategic collaborations with stakeholders at the Ministry, State Government, various government agencies and related private sectors.