Wholesale & Retail Trade


Performance of Wholesale & Retail Trade

Wholesale & Retail Trade recorded gross output value of  RM406.9 billion in 2021 as compared to RM387.0 billion in 2020, with an annual growth rate of 5.2 per cent. In line with the growth in gross output, the value of intermediate input recorded an increase of 4.3 percent to RM151.4 billion (2020: RM145.1 billion). The value added of this subsector also recorded an increase of 5.7 percent to RM255.5 billion as compared to RM241.9 billion in 2020. The number of persons engaged in this sector recorded an increase of 2.8 per cent to 2,151,997 persons as compared to 2,092,940 persons in 2021. Meanwhile, the salaries & wages paid in 2021 amounted to RM70.1 billion, an increase of 3.0 per cent compared to RM68.0 billion in 2020, and value of fixed assets amounted to RM140.2 billion (2020: RM132.7 billion), an increase of 5.7 per cent.

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