In 2014, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows recorded a net inflow of RM35.3 billion (2013: RM38.2 billion) to attain position at RM467.5 billion at the end of 2014 (2013: RM446.4 billion). Meanwhile, income posted RM62.6 billion in 2014 (2013: RM56.9 billion).
FDI flows registered a net inflow of RM35.3 billion in 2014 mainly generated from equity & investment fund shares of RM30.3 billion (2013: RM31.3 billion) or 85.8 per cent and debt instruments posted RM5.0 billion (2013: RM6.8 billion) or 14.2 per cent. As for position, the value of equity & investment fund shares rose to RM429.2 billion from RM414.1 billion, an increase of RM15.1 billion (3.6%). Debt instruments also attained a higher position of RM38.4 billion from RM32.3 billion in 2013. Income on equity & investment fund shares recorded a value of RM62.1 billion (99.3%) and interest of RM0.5 billion (0.7%).
The top five investing countries for inflows in 2014 namely Singapore, Netherlands, Hong Kong, Cayman Islands and Bermuda. These countries recorded a total of RM22.4 billion or 63.4 per cent of the total inflows in Malaysia. With regard to position as at end 2014, FDI investment was mainly originated from Singapore, Japan, Netherlands, USA and Norway which amounted to a total of RM257.7 billion or 55.1 per cent of total position in Malaysia. In term of income, USA, Singapore, Netherlands, Japan and Bermuda were the top earner in 2014. These countries recorded a total of RM39.0 billion or 62.3 per cent of total income in Malaysia.
As for flows, the services sector was the largest recipient of FDI 46.6 per cent in 2014. It was followed by mining & quarrying sector (36.0%) and manufacturing sector (13.2%). Meanwhile, the FDI position were channelled mainly in services sector (45.6%), manufacturing sector (43.7%) and mining & quarrying sector (7.7%). In regard to income, manufacturing sector generated the highest earnings (44.1%) in 2014. This was followed by services sector (38.7%) and mining & quarrying sector (14.7%).
Download: Summary Table of Foreign Direct Investment in Malaysia, 2013 - 2014