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Sport industry generated RM49.5 billion to the economy with a gross value added of RM19.6 billion in 2022
Preliminary Report of Sport Satellite Account (SSA) 2022 published by the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM), is an inaugural report that presents the statistics of the sport industry including its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). SSA 2022 for Malaysia provides information on the Gross Value Added of Sport Industry (GVASI), exports & imports of sport products, income components and employment in the sport industry.
Sport industry generated RM49.5 billion to the economy with a gross value added of RM19.6 billion in 2022 with a growth of 12.1 per cent in as compared to 1.9 per cent in a preceeding year. The growth of sport industry was supported by Sport services and Sport trade which grew at 15.9 per cent and 16.3 per cent respectively.
The GVASI contributed 1.1 per cent to overall GDP in 2022. The sport industry was mainly contributed by Sport services which accounted for 37.1 per cent with a value of RM7.3 billion in 2022. This was followed by Sport trade at RM6.9 billion (35.2%), Manufacturing of sport products at RM5.2 billion (26.6%) and Construction of sport infrastructure at RM0.2 billion (1.1%).
Exports of sport products amounted to RM11.5 billion (2021: RM9.7 billion) which contributed 0.8 per cent of Malaysia’s exports in 2022. The largest share of sport product was mainly from goods with a share of 91.9 per cent. The remaining share was exports of sport in services which recorded 8.1 per cent in 2022. Imports of sport products accounted to RM6.1 billion (2021: RM5.2 billion) dominated by goods with a share of 94.4 per cent followed by sport services, 5.6 per cent. Imports of sport products constituted 0.5 per cent of total imports in 2022. Thus, net exports of sport products recorded a surplus of RM5.4 billion (2021: 4.5 billion) in 2022.
The Compensation of Employees (CE), Gross Operating Surplus (GOS) and Taxes less Subsidies on Production and Imports (Net taxes) formed the income components accruing to production in the economy. Compensation of employees was valued at RM7.5 billion, with a contribution of 38.5 per cent to the total income of sport industry. Gross operating surplus recorded a contribution of 58.6 per cent, followed by net taxes accounted for 2.9 per cent.
Employment in the sport industry consist of 194.4 thousand persons in 2022 with the share of 1.3 per cent to the total employment. The largest contributor of employment in this industry was Sport services which was 39.9 per cent, followed by Manufacturing of sport products (31.6%), Sport trade (27.7%) and Construction of sport infrastructure (0.8%).
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