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The statistics of the Real estate services based on the Economic Census conducted in 2023 for the reference year 2022. The Real estate services encompasses Real estate activities with own or leased property and Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis. The principal statistics featured in this publication include number of establishments, value of gross output, value of intermediate input, value added, number of persons engaged, salaries & wages and value of fixed assets.
In 2022, the main statistics for the Real estate services demonstrated a positive annual growth rate compared to 2015. The number of establishments operating in the Real estate services surged 5.0 per cent to reach 24,576 establishments (2015: 17,447 establishments). The gross output value climbed to RM36.8 billion, registering a 3.9 per cent increase (2015: RM28.1 billion), while the value of intermediate input rose 3.7 per cent to record RM13.6 billion in 2022 (2015: RM10.5 billion). These were led to a 4.1 per cent increase in value added to generate RM23.2 billion (2015: RM17.6 billion).
The number of persons engaged in the Real estate services expanded to 97,266 persons with an annual
growth rate of 3.4 per cent (2015: 77,020 persons). Total salaries and wages in this services amounting to
RM4.2 billion, reflecting a 6.3 per cent increase (2015: RM2.7 billion). The value of fixed assets stood at
RM99.1 billion, resulting a 3.9 per cent growth (2015: RM75.9 billion).
The full publication of the Economic Census 2023 for Real estate services can be downloaded through eStatistik on the DOSM portal, www.dosm.gov.my.
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