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kilm 1: labour force participation rate

KILM 1: Labour force participation rate

The economic activity of a population depends on the demographic characteristics of that population. The proportion of economically active persons, therefore, differs between sub-groups of that population. These variations are measured by specific activity rates termed labour force participation rates. Labour force participation rate is defined as the ratio of the labour force to the working age population (15-64) years expressed as percentage

Source : Social
Source Detail : Key Indicator Of the Labour Market
kilm 2: employment-to-population ratio

KILM 2: Employment-to-population ratio

The employment-to-population ratio is defined as the proportion of a country's working-age population that is employed. A high ratio means that a large proportion of a country's population is employed, while a low ratio means that a large share of the population is not involved directly in market-related activities, because they are either unemployed or (more likely) out of the labour force altogether.

Source : Social
Source Detail : Key Indicator of Labour Force Market
kilm 3: status in employment

KILM 3: Status in employment

Status in employment refers to the position or status of an employed person within the establishment or organisation for which he worked. Employed persons are classified according to the following employment status:

i. Employer - A person who operates a business, a plantation or other trade and employs one or more workers to help him.

ii. Employee - A person who works for a public or private employer and receives regular remuneration in wages, salary, commission, tips or payment in kind.

iii. Own account worker - A person who operates his own farm, business or trade without employing any paid workers in the conduct of his farm, trade or business.

iv. Unpaid family worker - A person who works without pay or wages on a farm, business or trade operated by another member of the family.

Source : Social
Source Detail : Key Indicator Of Labour Force Market
kilm 4: employment by sector

KILM 4: Employment by sector

The indicator for employment by sector devides employment into three broad groupings of economic activity: agriculture, industry and services.

Prior to 2010, industry is classified according to the "Malaysia Standard Industrial Classification (MSIC) 2000" based on the "International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 3".

Starting 2010, industry is classified according to the "Malaysia Standard Industrial Classification (MSIC) 2008" based on the "International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4".

Labour Force Survey does not classify the subsistence goods and services producing activities of household as persons who are economically active. Therefore, the classification of industry by MSIC 2008 for Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use only accounted for activities of households as employers.

Source : Social
Source Detail : Key Indicator Of Labour Force Market
kilm 6: hours worked

KILM 6: Hours worked

Refers to total number of hours worked during the reference period. 

Source : Social
Source Detail : Key Indicator Of Labour Force Market

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