Frequently Asked Question

How can we help?
Can I reply after the deadline?

Timely statistics is of great importance especially to policy makers, whether the Government or private sector. We would like to seek your cooperation in responding to our survey before the deadline.

Can I complete and return the questionnaire electronically?

Yes. Electronic questionnaire templates are available for surveys conducted by DOSM. Upon your request, such templates will be delivered to you via email or visit to your establishment. You can return the completed templates to us by email or give them to our officer during his/her visit. In returning the completed template by email, you are advised to add electronic signature and encrypt with the use of a digital certificate so as to protect the confidentiality of your supplied data: E -Survey.

What is the definition of imports?

Goods are regarded as imports when they are brought into the country either directly or into bonded warehouses, irrespective of whether such goods are for consumption, to be processed, use in manufacturing or subsequent re-exports to other countries. It is also termed as `general imports'.

What is the definition of exports?

Goods (locally produced or manufactured or imported for subsequent re-exports) are regarded as exports when they are taken out of the country. It is also termed as `general exports'.

What is the definition of Re-exports?

Goods are regarded as re-exports when they are taken out of the country in the same form as they were imported without any transformation. Re-packing, sorting or grading processes are not considered as part of the transformation process.