Domestic Tourism



Domestic tourism spending 2021 fell 54.5 per cent to record RM18.4 billion, but set to recover in 2022


This publication presents statistics on performance of domestic tourism Malaysia 2021, which consists of visitor arrivals, tourism expenditure, travelling pattern and social & demographic profile of domestic visitors. The presented statistics are based on the Domestic Tourism Survey (DTS) conducted in 2021.



In 2021, domestic tourism in Malaysia continued to drop in the number of visitor arrivals and tourism expenditure due to COVID-19 lockdown and interstate border restrictions. A total of 66.0 million visitors were recorded in 2021 with a negative growth of 49.9 per cent as compared to the previous year (2020: -44.9%).

In terms of volume of total tourism trips, number of trips decreased from 147.0 million trips in 2020 to 72.4 million trips, with a negative growth of 50.7 per cent in 2021. Domestic tourism expenditure in 2021 dropped 54.5 per cent with only recorded RM18.4 billion (2020: RM40.4 billion) (Chart 1). This was the lowest since DOSM started to compile Domestic Tourism Survey statistics in 2008. 

Chart 1: Malaysia's Domestic Tourism Expenditure, 2012 - 2021

In 2021, shopping made up the largest contribution from the total expenditure with a share of 50.3 per cent (2020: 52.6%), followed by food & beverage, 15.1 per cent  (2020: 18.6%), and automotive fuel 11.1 per cent (2020: 9.0%).



In 2021, shopping also remained the most popular purpose for domestic visitors since 2020, contributed 36.4 per cent (2020: 42.3%). Purpose of visiting relatives & friends contributed 24.2 per cent (2020: 32.0%), but were significantly lower as compared to pre-pandemic year which recorded 42.3 per cent. This foreseen situation was due to inter-district and interstate restriction which made it unfeasible for people to visit relatives.

Selangor was the most visited state by domestic visitors in 2021 which accounted for 10.2 million visitors, followed by W.P Kuala Lumpur, and Sarawak 9.1 million, and 6.5 million domestic visitors, respectively. Land transport was the first choice used by domestic visitors in 2021 with 98.6 per cent. This was followed by air transport (1.1%) and water transport (0.3%).

In 2021, domestic visitors by household income of RM5,001 to RM10,000 showed a significant increased to record the highest contribution of 30.4 per cent from the pre-pandemic year (2019: 23.3%). Meanwhile, domestic visitors travel by household income between RM1,001 to RM3,000 decreased 6.4 per cent from 2019 to registered 29.3 per cent.

The full publication of the Domestic Tourism Survey, 2021 can be downloaded through eStatistik Portal.

This number includes the same visitor who makes a trip or multiple trips in a year


Released By:


29 June 2022


Contact person:

Mohd Yusrizal Ab Razak 
Public Relation Officer
Strategic Communication and International Division
Department of Statistics, Malaysia
Tel : +603-8885 7942
Fax : +603-8888 9248
Email : yusrizal.razak[at]


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