Capital account comprises of two components namely nonproduced nonfinancial assets and capital transfers.
Financial account measures Malaysia's net assets and liabilities between Malaysia and rest of the world. It is classified according to the functional categories namely direct investment, portfolio investment, financial derivative, other investment and reserve assets.
Report on Quarterly Balance of Payments (BOP) provides quarterly estimates of BOP and its components which can be found in DOSM website and it's free download.
A resident is any individual, enterprise or other organisation ordinarily domiciled in Malaysia for a period of at least one year. Branches and/or incorporated subsidiaries of foreign enterprises operating in Malaysia are regarded as residents. A non-resident is any individual, enterprise or other organisation ordinarily domiciled in a country other than Malaysia. Branches and/or subsidiaries of Malaysian companies operating abroad are regarded as non-residents.
Flows data refer to transactions of an economy with the rest of the world over a period of time (i.e. quarter). Positions are stock-oriented measures that provide a balance sheet statement (financial assets and liabilities) of the Malaysian economy vis-à-vis the rest of the world at a point in time (usually at the end of the year).