Division Functions
Management Services Division
This division is responsible for all matters relating to human resource management, administration and security, finance and accounting, printing and assets management of the department.
Information Management Division
This division provides ICT infrastructure and application system services to divisions and state offices.
Institut Latihan Statistik Malaysia (ILSM)
This division is responsible for the planning and implementation of training programmes and human resource development in the field of statistics for the department's personnel.
Strategic Communication and International Division
This division oversees the Department's corporate affairs, sales of publications and undertakes all data requests and dissemination. This division also compiles general publications and coordinates statistical activities and acts as public relation with external agencies.
National Accounts Statistics Division
This division is responsible for the compilation and production of National Accounts Statistics, especially quarterly and annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by kind of economic activity and expenditure on GDP by type of expenditure at current and constant prices and other National Accounts statistics such as National Income, National Income per capita, Consumption, Savings and other economic variables which is used as indicators of national socioeconomic condition and highly needed for the formulation of national development planning. The division is also responsible to compile and produce other main statistics related to the System of National Accounts namely compilation of Final National Accounts (FNA), Tourism Satellite Accounts, Capital Stocks data, Regional GDP and Social Accounting Matrices.
Services Statistics Division
This division is responsible for the compilation of data for the services sector in the activities of distributive trade, information and communication technology, transport, professionals, health, education and selected services. This division is also responsible for the compilation of tourism statistics.
International Trade Statistics Division
This division is responsible for the compilation dan dissemination of monthly and annual External Trade Statistics and External Trade Indices.
Industrial Production and Construction Statistics Division
This division is responsible for the compilation of the Index of Industrial Production and the generation of statistics from the surveys or censuses on manufacturing, construction, mining & stone quarrying industries and electricity, gas, steam & air conditioning supply.
Balance of Payments Statistics Division
This division is responsible for the compilation, analyzing and producing balance of payments (BOP) statistics, international investment position (IIP), international trade in services (ITS) and detailed data on direct investment.
Economic Indicators Division
This division is responsible for the compilation of Input-Output Tables that shows the flow of commodity and industry; and economic indicators that consist of the Leading, Coincident and Lagging Indices which reflects the economic performance. This division is also responsible for the compilation of the Distribution and use of Income Accounts and Capital Account which provides macro economic indicators such as investment, saving and net lending/borrowing.
Prices, Income and Expenditure Statistics Division
This division is responsible for producing price indices, business tendency indicator and household income and expenditure statistics. The price indices comprise consumer price index, producer price indices (local production, import, export and services) and building cost index.
Population and Demographic Statistics Division
This division is responsible for the planning, preparation and implementation of the population and housing census and inter-censal survey; analysing and producing population and housing statistics based on the census and survey data; producing geospatial information and maps using Geographical Information System; compiling vital statistics such as fertility, mortality, marriage and divorce based on birth, death, marriage and divorce registration records; and compiling current population estimates, population projection, life tables as well as other demographic indicators.
Manpower and Social Statistics Division
This division is responsible in producing data related to labour force, employment and unemployment; employment in the informal sector; wage and salary as well as internal migration. This division also compiles and produces social data and related indicators as well as conducts social surveys.
Integration and Data Management Division
This division develops, maintains and coordinates the database for the Economic and Social & Demographic Sectors. This division also coordinates the activities of the State Offices and Cadre services.
Agriculture and Environment Statistics Division
This division is responsible for the compilation of agriculture data from surveys or censuses on agriculture establishments for crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry & logging subsector. This division is also responsible for the compilation of environment statistics.
Methodology and Research Division
This division is responsible in developing and maintaining census/survey frame; prepare sample design and sample selection; develop research instruments; develop standard codes and classifications; develop methodology and appropriate statistical techniques in data collection and statistical analysis through research activities; and provides advisory services to divisions as well as other government agencies.
ILMIA is to be a national centre of excellence for the analysis of labour market trends and emerging human capital issues which will contribute to better human capital planning and effective labour market policies formulation.
This division is responsible as labour market consultants specialize in providing consultation services to various national and international agencies.